Coaching and facilitation that challenges the status quo.

Are you feeling…?

Stuck. You’re at a crossroads and you don’t know where to go or what you want.

Exhausted. You know you can’t do it all but saying ‘no’ seems impossible.

Disempowered. You’re having a hard time showing up the way you want to.

Unseen. You’ve been playing it safe and you’re growing tired of hiding parts of yourself away.

Alone. You find yourself defaulting to people-pleasing and it’s leaving you disconnected from who you are and what you want.

I see you

I’ve been there.  I used to think I just wasn’t trying hard enough. It turns out I wasn’t directing my energy where it was most needed.

Even though I was trying to make changes, I was simultaneously continuing to deny myself the space, time and compassion that I needed, in favour of people-pleasing, scarcity thinking, and saying yes by default.  While these have been necessary status quo survival coping mechanisms - they were no longer serving me. 

Coaching supported me to move away from status quo survival tendencies and offered me a pathway to accessing and reclaiming my inner wisdom. 


Here’s what I believe

There is nothing wrong with you. In fact, you are functioning extremely well in a broken system.

You don’t need to “try harder”. We need to look at why it hasn’t been working the way you want it to - then we’ll find a new way.

It takes equal parts strength and compassion to shift existing habits and patterns.

Softness is part of the secret sauce for making change stick.

Wholeness is necessary. True transformation does not require you to leave any part of you behind.

All change starts within us. Inner work supports outer work to have greater impact.

Here are some of the results we can achieve, together.

  • Clarity

    Figure out your next move with a clear sense of purpose. Know what decisions and actions you can take in your everyday life so that you feel a sense of momentum with a clear path to achieving your goals.

  • Confidence

    Trust yourself to take a stand for what’s most important and do what’s needed - even when it’s hard. Reclaim your time and energy as you create moments that honour who you are and how you want to live your life.

  • Connection

    Nurture balanced relationships with boundaries that invite greater joy and ease in your connections.

  • Authenticity

    Be seen for who you really are. Give yourself permission to take up space and express yourself. Feel the alignment and satisfaction of consistently living out your values.

How we’ll do it

I will support and guide you through a powerful process that brings compassionate attention to what is holding you back and supports you to identify, practice and grow what you need to live the life you want to lead.



  • We identify and get clear on your strengths and values

  • We bring clear articulation to what it is that you want

  • We co-create how you will apply what you learn to your everyday life 

  • You don’t know what you don’t know. I will hold up a mirror, allowing you to see yourself in ways you never have before.


  • We bring awareness to what is holding you back and address it with gentle compassion

  • We talk through the hard things, find new perspectives and bring awareness to new ways of responding

  • We will work together to resource your transformation with new skills and perspectives - you aren’t in it alone.



  • We make a plan that will support you to cultivate new habits that sustain change

  • We co-create practices - “right-sized” actions you will take between sessions that build these new habits.

  • We celebrate and recognize your progress every step of the way so you can integrate your growth in your mind and body

What People Are Saying


“Even the days I hadn't given my coaching practices the attention they deserved, I would come to my sessions with Kareen and we would uncover a truth, unearth a glinting pearl of wisdom amidst all the muck, which would encourage me to explore more deeply and uncover even more realizations. Every piece of wisdom found in this way was truly a gift. The perspective I gained, the acceptance I found, the pieces I integrated into myself in these sessions were pure treasures. Kareen's willingness, curiosity, and excellent questions guided me into deeper territory for even richer discoveries and integrations. The work I was able to do with Kareen as my guide was nothing short of magic. Pure alchemy.”

Jackie Kanyuk Senior Program Delivery Manager, Asset Management, BC Non-Profit Housing Association

“Working with Kareen was one of the best things that I’ve done for myself. I started this journey feeling stuck and unable to make choices in my life that aligned with what I truly wanted. Every session I had was filled with deep realizations, unblocking, and I always walked away feeling empowered and grounded. Kareen is an excellent listener, did an incredible job at asking intuitive questions, and most importantly adapted our sessions as needed in a way that felt natural and supportive. Throughout this entire process, I learned to connect to my authentic self, uncovered so much wisdom that was passed down to me by my culture and community that was already within me, and developed a deep level of self trust. At the end of my program, I noticed my inner voice and inner-dialogue shifted from a programming of fear to one of love and curiosity. 

The 5 months that I spent working with Kareen were transformational and a major pivotal moment in my life. I’ve been able to show up with greater choice in my life and make decisions that align with where I want to be versus where I think I need to be based on external factors. I was able to confidently quit my job and take the leap to start a business I’ve been sitting on for 3 years. Kareen is an exceptional coach that truly creates a tailored program for you, with you, that is grounded in support, curiosity, and focused on your goals. I had access to all the right practices and approaches that helped me get to where I am and will continue to support me in the future. What a beautiful journey this has been.”

Navjot Gill Owner of Roshni Wellness

“Thank you so much! I'm excited to develop these actions and celebrate the wins rather than feel guilty for not doing enough. It means a lot.”


"I reached out to Kareen when I was feeling stuck and unable to connect with myself. Through our sessions, Kareen has been a great coach, guide and facilitator. They puts a lot of work, presence and mindfulness into preparing each session and catering it towards my needs and personal goals. Throughout my coaching journey I have gained more self-confidence and have learned to overcome a lot of my personal obstacles. During every session I felt that the space Kareen created was one where I was able to feel comfortable to share and connect with myself through the questions and reflections she would put forth. As my coaching journey comes to an end, I walk away feeling energized, confident and excited to apply all that I have learned in my day to day life."

Sara Botero

Yes, please! I need this.